NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017

NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017


毎年延べ来場者数19万人を誇る「ギフト・ショー」9月6日から3日間ビッグサイトにて開催されました。昨年に引き続き、独立行政法人中小企業基盤整備機構さんが設置する『NIPPON QUALITY』のカタログデザイン(日本語版 & 英語版)、タブロイドデザイン、webデザイン作成を担当させていただきました。


Art direction, Design, and Design Supervision.

The “Gift Show,” with an impressive annual attendance of 190,000 visitors, took place at Tokyo Big Sight over three days starting from September 6th. Once again, SMDO was entrusted with the design of the “NIPPON QUALITY” catalog in both Japanese and English, as well as the tabloid and web design, organized by SME Support, JAPAN.

・ gift show 2017 NIPPON QUALITY ブース壁面や企画展示台、社名版などのアートディレクションとグラフィックデザインを担当いたしました。日本の伝統とモダン、新しさ、躍動感、パワーをコンセプトに伝統的な「書」の墨を現代的に大胆に展開したキービジュアルをご用意いたしました。


gift show 当日の会場の様子の撮影もご依頼いただき現場で撮影もさせていただきましたが、全国各地から厳選された品質の高い商品が集結しました。

・NIPPON QUALITY プロモーションムービーをつくりました。ディレクションは佐野が、編集はクラウディ株式会社にお願いしました。作曲は弊所 中曽根が担当いたしました。
・SMDO handled the art direction and graphic design for the booth walls, exhibition stands, company nameplates, and other elements at the NIPPON QUALITY booth for the 2017 Gift Show. We created a bold and contemporary key visual by boldly interpreting traditional calligraphy ink with the concepts of Japanese tradition, modernity, freshness, dynamism, and power in mind.
We also had the opportunity to take photos during the Gift Show event, where high-quality products from across the country were showcased.
・We created the promotional video for NIPPON QUALITY. Directed by Sano, edited by Cloudy Inc., and composed by our team member Nakasone.
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017
NIPPON QUALITY in gift show 2017