Ministry of the Environment(kankyosyo)Pamphlet
日本語版と英語版の「第三次循環型社会形成推進基本計画の進捗状況の第3回点検結果の概要」パンフレット アートディレクションとグラフィックデザインを担当いたしました。
SMDO was responsible for the art direction and graphic design of the Japanese and English versions of the “Summary of the Third Progress Report on the Implementation of the Basic Plan for Promoting the Formation of a Sound Material-Cycle Society” pamphlet commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment.
This is also available on the Ministry of the Environment’s website.
Client : 環境省
Art Direction & graphic design : Minami Sano(SMDO)
graphic design Assistant : Shinnnosuke Nakasone (SMDO)
Proofreading : Yuri Tozaki